“Quatern” and “Spun” by Lindsay Maroney
I find myself turning away
from the boy I knew as playful
from the teen I knew as willful
from the man I am, stone hearted
The equinox now two days past
I find myself turning away
through a forest now crackling
with leaves marigold and russet
Stones bluish and rough, pocketed
I extract them with intention
I find myself turning away
Any other task seems too light
At the cliff’s edge I unburden
Upon sunset I am the light
A breast full of air can sigh she
I find myself
He hides behind she
They turn endlessly
A coin spun
Two faces
About Lindsay Maroney
Lindsay Maroney is a new writer living in Colorado Springs, CO that works in poetry as well as prose. She enjoys exploring the variegations of life’s murky edges with her writing. In 2019 she was able to share her spoken word poetry on the TEDx stage.