"Momentary” by Crisosto Apache
a Pinacate beetle crawls away from or proceeds towards
the middle of the asphalt with no destination of place
like the wide-open grass plains moving at a millennium
speed with the furthest object the Sangre De Cristo mountains
moving slower and seeming to stand more still
against this black petroleum stripe of plain moving longer,
also having no destination of place — each object, each perspective
rotates at fifteen to twenty-five feet intervals causing a winded motion
of strings attached to the left hand sliding under the utterance
of musical notes, the music does not last forever nor do the knots
tied beside fingers, intertwining between fingers, bleeding
the fluid moves water-like in my palm and begins to twitch
in my hands and face, the movement across the plain progresses
like the air sweeping across my face
once moving forward, twice fighting back, also not lasting
a peculiar projection through sound finds my ear in a high pitch
screaming goodbye, gazing back waving, unconditionally
stains of some begotten memory drips down my lap as I remember
my father, finding him in my old journals soon laid to the new fires
of that old grey stucco house
next to that house, I found myself in a memory hiding between two old trees
whose wisdom protected me from those high rising flames
in a heap of recollection my fingers leave streaks of red streams
keeping me from the tears flowing down my cheek into my mouth
so, I do not forget
traveling faster shifting faster moving this body,
underneath the wide grass plains moving longer and less still
like the blood in my hands
recalling a moment, a modification in motion wiping the water
from my face, a recollection lost on mother and father’s face,
the flow within my fingers persists and lasts against the facing
of the Sangre de Cristo and Santa Fe is only thirty miles away
About Crisosto Apache
(x) Gender Nonconforming
Crisosto Apache is originally from Mescalero, New Mexico (US), on the Mescalero Apache Reservation, currently lives in the Denver metro area in Colorado. Cris is Mescalero Apache, Chiricahua Apache, and Diné (Navajo) of the 'Áshįįhí (Salt Clan) born for the Kinyaa'áanii (Towering House Clan) and is Assistant Professor of English at the Rocky Mountain College of Art + Design. Cris holds an MFA from the Institute of American Indian Arts in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Cris is also the Associate Poetry Editor for The Offing Magazine. Crisosto’s debut collection GENESIS (Lost Alphabet) stems from the vestiges of memory and cultural identity of a self-emergence as language, body, and cosmology.