“Edges” by Beth Gallovic


I study the high horizon,

the darkening sky,

make out where mountains end and 

sky begins.

Where is the line that separates

your body and the air that you breathe?

It was the moon,

not my searching eyes

revealing in near darkness, indigo line of 

skyward mountains.

What will illuminate the edges 

of where you end and 

the wild universe begins?


About Beth Gallovic

Beth Gallovic has been seen on the hiking trails around Boulder Colorado, pulling out creased squares of paper from her backpack to scribble down lines of poetry. She marvels, often, and especially outdoors, at what an expansive force poetry has become in her life. Her most recent publication is in Pine Row.


“Heart in Prose” by Diana Kurniawan


“Driving by Cloverleaf Farm” by Beth Gallovic