“Driving by Cloverleaf Farm” by Beth Gallovic


Rolling over the

same daily pavement

wheels spinning miles of

same circling thoughts

My life- 

am I making a difference?

my self- 

can I be


swift sunlit surprise

Shapes of Horses

soft velvet holding

dappled gray wisdom

shared in clouds of winter-warm breath

Yes, say the horses

We forgive you.


About Beth Gallovic

Beth Gallovic has been seen on the hiking trails around Boulder Colorado, pulling out creased squares of paper from her backpack to scribble down lines of poetry. She marvels, often, and especially outdoors, at what an expansive force poetry has become in her life. Her most recent publication is in Pine Row.


“Edges” by Beth Gallovic


“Smoke in a Basement” by Lyndsie Conklin