Fiction is the lens through which we examine our lives. Submit your original, unpublished fiction for publication in Twenty Bellows. All genres will be read and considered, with the exception of fanfiction and erotica.
“Poetry is emotion put into measure.” - Thomas Hardy
Poets are encouraged to submit original, unpublished poetry of any variety for publication in Twenty Bellows.
Your experience is unique. Share it with the world. Essays of any sort will be considered for publication in Twenty Bellows. Special considerations will be made for longer or serialized work.
Submission Guidelines
General Rules for All Submissions
We accept work from all residents (full-time and part-time) of Colorado and Wyoming. This rule may be waived for special Calls for Submission or one-time use, but these exceptions are exceedingly rare.
All written work must be submitted using MS Word (doc or docx), 12pt., double-spaced serif font (Times New Roman, Courier, Garamond).
Title only on the work.
Do not put your name or contact info on the work. Instead put your name, contact info and title of the work in the cover letter or within the submission form. This is so we can maintain a blind submission process.
A short bio or blog/website links, written in the third person, must be submitted at the time of submission in the cover letter or within the submission form. Please also provide your preferred pronouns i.e. she/her/hers or they/them/theirs. If your work is selected, Twenty Bellows may also ask for a picture to accompany the work in print.
Please be mindful of the word count and submission cap for each unique Call for Submissions, as these limits may vary.
Submissions primarily in English are preferred. However, exceptions may be made at our discretion. If submitting in a language other than English, please note this is your cover letter or within the submission form.
All submissions must be original works of the contributor. We do not accept AI generated work.
We strictly prohibit hate speech, plagiarism, and libel in all forms. Any submission that violates this rule will be immediately disqualified.
All submissions must be original works of the contributor. We do not accept AI generated work.
We strictly prohibit hate speech, plagiarism, and libel in all forms. Any submission that violates this rule will be immediately disqualified.
Breaking any of these rules may result in automatic rejection.
By submitting to Twenty Bellows, the author allows for publication in our anthologies, social media, and website. All rights to the work remain with the author.
If you have any questions regarding the submission process, please contact our editorial board at twentybellowslit@gmail.com