“Bored by the Chihulys” by Jessy Randall
I was bored by the Chihulys in Tacoma, Washington
I was bored by the piles and piles of them
I wanted to break them
Now I’m bored by the Chihulys in Colorado, in Denver, in Boulder, in Colorado
I am bored by the Chihulys in myself
I want to meet someone who has never heard of Chihuly and doesn’t care about
Chihuly and never will
I do not want to meet Chihuly
I imagine him as the worst mansplainer ever, an ass-talker, and so boring. I imagine
Chihuly never asking anyone a question about anything. I imagine Chihuly tired of his own work.
“I am bored of myself,” says Chihuly, in his first honest statement since he learned to
blow glass.
About Jessy Randall
Jessy Randall's poems, comics, and other things have appeared in Poetry, McSweeney's, and The Best American Experimental Writing. Her most recent book is How to Tell If You Are Human: Diagram Poems (Pleiades, 2018). She is currently a librarian at Colorado College.
Website: http://bit.ly/JessyRandall
Twitter: @randall_jessy
Insta: @jessyrandall